Do you have a Theme Camp, Sound Stage Camp, or Art Installation that you’d like to bring to BITF, to help us fill this field with joy and interaction?
Placement applications for BITF are now open!
-Do you and your team need Directed Tickets to build your installation or camp?
You must apply for Grants/Placement or Placement only by 11:59 PM on Monday, May 1 to be eligible for Directed Tickets!
In response to community requests, we have combined the Grants and Placement processes to make the forms waaaaaay easier and less confusing!
Scroll on down for the deep dive into the process!
**Applying for a GVIAS Art Grants AND Placement **
A streamlined form process for art projects, theme camps, and sound camps seeking grant funding AND placement at BITF 2023.
-First complete the Art Grant Application.
NOTE: The project lead must be a GVIAS member to apply for a GVIAS Art Grant. GVIAS membership is free – you’ll be prompted to sign up at the link above if you don’t have a member log-in already!
-Make sure to select “Please forward me to the Placement Application once I’m done this” near the bottom of the Grant Application.
-Once the Grants Application is submitted, you will automatically be forwarded to the BITF Placement Application, with the relevant details copied over from your Grant Application. Huzzah!! Less keying info into forms means more time for making magic!
-Fill out the remaining fields in the Placement Application that weren’t filled out in the Grant Application. Please answer all questions as fully as possible, as your placement may be denied on account of incomplete information.
-Final step: submit your completed Placement Application – your Grant and Placement forms have now both been submitted!
**Applying for Placement only**
A single form for art projects, theme camps, and sound camps seeking ONLY Placement at BITF 2023.
-Complete the BITF Placement Application.
NOTE: GVIAS membership is not required for placement.
-When filling out the Placement Application, please answer all questions as fully as possible, as your placement may be denied on account of incomplete information.
-Final step: submit your completed Placement Application. You’re done!
-The deadline for all Grant/Placement and Placement Only applications that are requesting Directed Tickets is 11:59 PM on Monday, May 1.
-Directed Ticket decisions and allocations will be communicated between May 12-15.
-The allocations are shared in advance so that Directed Ticket recipients can be notified prior to the Main Sale (evening of May 23). We ask that Directed Ticket recipients avoid entering the Main Sale and bogging down the ticketing system.
-The deadline for all BITF Placement Applications is 11:59 PM on Thursday, June 1 — this will get you officially “placed” at the site and your project/camp/event will be on the map for participants to find ya!
Questions about the integrated placement form process? Please email [email protected] !
April 21, 2023 • BitF 2023, Dates, Directed Ticketing, Event Updates, Old News
Deadlines fast approaching for Theme Camp, Sound Stage Camp, or Art Installations!!