We have a limited number of assigned camp spots available this year for small to medium groups.
Hearth Camp Placement offers an opportunity to engage with other participants right from the warmth of your own base camp, creating an experience of community along the main pedestrian pathways. This supports the communal effort, immediacy, and participation aspects of the Ten Principles that make Burner events so unique and wonderful!
Hearth Camps won’t be in the WWW and aren’t required to host or program any events – we just want you to be your awesome selves in situ!
Hearth Camps are made up of 6 to 16 fellow campers who want to fully participate in building connection through shared experience.
Click here to fill out the Placement application!
Spaces are limited and will be allocated first come, first served basis, with a hard deadline of 11:59 pm on June 1st.
Note: if fields in the placement application don’t seem to apply to your camp, just enter “N/A” or “?” for now, and Curation will follow up with ya! This is a new initiative and we appreciate your patience and excitement!