January 11, 2024 • Announcements, BitF 2024, Dates, Event Updates, General, Old News

Info from the BitF Chair, including save the dates for BitF 2024!

An important, much anticipated message from our Burn in the Forest Chair, Ron S, Shared in the Burn in the Forest Facebook group — keep reading until the bottom for the dates!
Greetings and Happy New Year BitF community. After a successful 2023 BitF it is time to start the ball rolling for BitF 2024. We have recently executed a contract with the Merritt Festival Grounds and now in the process of forming the production team.
As we are in the early stages other than BitF dates, there is not too much to report, however, over the next few months you will see information and requests from our fabulous communications team with:
  • Open positions on the production team
  • Opportunities to volunteer
  • Ticketing Dates
  • Theme Camp, Effigy, Temple and Art submission dates
  • and a whole lot more….
Post BitF 2023 we have received a collection of feedback from various stakeholders and from you the community. GVIAS and BitF production take the feed back seriously and we look forward to capitalizing on all that worked well, and of course fixing those issues which the community highlighted. The good news is the overwhelming response is quite positive. There was of course feedback regarding “fire”, or should I say lack of it. We are very aware and although no promises can be made, our yet to be formed fire team will look into a variety of fire options and will report back.
As you all know, there is no such thing as a paid position at BitF, everyone is a volunteer. Volunteering is the lubricant which makes the BitF machine hum. I am very grateful for all volunteer contributions: from the production team, GVIAS committee members, the 400+ on site volunteers, theme camp and art project volunteers and all BitF participants. It’s the production team that creates the vessel for BitF, but it’s the entire community that assembles all the flavours to make BitF the positive experience it is. Thank you.
Lastly BitF Dates:
Thursday July 25th to Monday July 29th, 2024
Looking forward to see all your contributions and smiling faces.
Ron S
BitF Chair

©2025 Greater Vancouver Interactive Art Society