July 10, 2024 • BitF 2024, Old News

Bubbles: LNT + River Safety

Bubbles, bubbles, everywhere! 

Hey folks! We heard your concerns about our effervescent theme and how it interacts with our efforts to Leave No Trace, and especially any impact on the fish in thebeloved Cold Water river that runs through the site and Merritt.

So we did some digging, some consulting with a biologist or two, some research on river flow rates, and some math.

The result? 
While bubble solution dumping is no bueno, the river has the ability to safely dilute the odd stray bubble.
To minimize our impact, here are the bubble guidelines for BitF:

  • Don’t bring bubble solution into the river or onto banks of theriver, to avoid any accidental major spills;
  • Limit grey water dumping involving bubble solution to thenorth and south roads on thevery edges of the site, or better yet pack it out
  • Don’t point a high-capacity bubble machine directly at theriver! If you have a hand held bubble machine, turn it off when crossing the bridge. 

When it comes to a few bubbles here and there straying over theriver, fret not!  The river’s fast flow will dilute evenly distributed bubbles that may accidentally pop into the water, without reaching levels that are toxic to fish.

So while our impact won’t be zero (and really, when is it ever?!), it will be well within the parameters of what our environment up there can handle.

Note: Soap is not permitted for dish washing or body washing in theriver!

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