July 9, 2024 • BitF 2024, Old News

Early Arrival Registration – deadline July 21

Arriving on site early? 

The Main Gate opens Thursday morning at 11am (woohoo!). As eager as we all are to start BitF, you can only show up early if you have a legitimate reason to be on site before Thursday!
This means you’re helping set up a Theme/Sound camp, constructing art, or volunteering with pre-event production.

We have an Early Arrival process for folks who are coming to build before Thursday, but we need to CLOSE THE GATE (gasp!) for early arrival, too!!

The gate will be locked after 9pm on Wednesday, and no Early Arrival will be allowed after this time. All Early Arrivers must attend Flow Hub Wednesday night between 6pm and 9pm to get wrist-banded.

If you need Early Arrival, you must fill out the form linked below BEFORE SUNDAY JULY 21! (pretty please and thank you!).

Early Arrival form!

©2025 Greater Vancouver Interactive Art Society