July 9, 2024 • Announcements, BitF 2024, Old News

What Where When Guide / DUST App

There are going to be amazing things happening at BitF this year!

NEW for 2024!
The What Where When is the definitive guide to camps, art, and events at BitF. We’re excited to announce that this year we’re going digital using an incredibly handy app made by a fellow burner called DUST. It’s a free offering from the app creator, and several Regional Events have been using it for a while now with great success!
We’re going to try it this year, and then we’ll collect and review post-event feedback on how you thought it went. We’ll be listening!

Download the DUST app NOW to start reading up on camps, music, events and get familiar with the event site map. Poke around and check out the various sorting options, search feature and category views in the app and start making your favourites list by starring camps, art, events & DJs!

Some folks might be thinking… “Isn’t everyone gonna be on their phone all the time?! Doesn’t this suck?! Why are you doing this to us!”


A few things to consider:

  • We will create a print-at-home PDF version for you to download and print at home if you prefer to have printed copy in hand.
  • BitF Production will be printing a considerable number of the final ‘pretty’ site map to give out at Gate, so folks will have that on hand to refer to vs having to open their app to find a camp/art/services location.
  • We encourage you to refer to the app in the comfort of your camp before venturing out and be mindful of phone use when out and about.
  • We encourage you to browse the app before the event and favourite (star) items for easy access to your faves list from the home screen when on site.
  • The app will push a reminder out to your phone 15 minutes before the start of your favourited events/Djs sets, so a quick glance will give you details of the event reminder.
  • Camp & Art leads get to upload their own content and can edit it in real time even during the event!

See a web preview of what’s been submitted so far in Camps & Events.

Please read this DUST App Instructions document to get you started!
If you would like to submit some content but aren’t associated with a registered Camp or Art Project, simply email us to get access to enter your event.
DEADLINE TO MAKE IT INTO THE PRINT-AT-HOME PDF version of the What Where When is Monday July 15th!

Any questions, please email squishelle, WWW/Dust App lead at [email protected].

Want to reminisce about all the amazing things that happened LAST YEAR! Check out the 2023 WWW Guide here.

©2025 Greater Vancouver Interactive Art Society