August 25, 2024 • BitF 2024, General, Old News, Opinion, Participation, Volunteer

BitF Feels to Real-World Reels : Navigating the post-event blues

By Deborah Buthmann, Msc, RCC.

The Magic 🙂

Ahhhhh the joy of reconnecting with your crew amidst the pine trees and dusty, sun-baked earth of BitF 2024.

The thrill of dancing under the stars, surrounded by inspiring art and music, creates a world where everyday rules seem to vanish and every moment sparkles with possibility. It’s a weekend where reality takes a backseat, and all that matters is the here and now—whether you’re diving into art that feels like it’s from another realm, losing yourself in a heart-opening moment, or engaging in a mind-expanding conversation. For a magical moment, it feels like you’ve cracked the code to life, and everything makes perfect sense.

The Crash 🙁

But as the event winds down and the sun sets, the inevitable crash arrives. You might feel like reality’s hit you like a tonne of dust-covered bricks. Suddenly, everything feels a bit too dull, your routine too rigid, and you miss your friends and the connections you made.

The contrast between the vibrant chaos of BitF and the everyday grind can be disorienting. It’s that emotional hangover that hits when you’re unpacking your dusty gear, coming to terms with the end of the event, and facing the reality of the “default world.”

Before you spiral into a funk, remember this is just part of the journey. Just as the highs of BitF are exhilarating, the lows are a natural come-down. They might feel like that last-day-of-camp sadness mixed with a bit of “Did that really happen?” existential pondering.

Some Suggestions for Navigating the Post-BitF Blues:

  • Reconnect with your Burner community: The deep bonds you formed don’t have to end with the event. Reach out to friends, share your post-BitF feelings, and reminisce about the good times. Regular check-ins, group chats, and post-BitF hangouts can help keep that festival spirit alive. This might be the time to sign up for volunteering with a GVIAS committee or plan to go to upcoming burner events. Don’t forget to mark Nov. 16 on your calendar for Dustcovery!
  • Bring Some Festival Magic into Your Everyday Life: To counter the feeling of disconnection, try to bring a bit of the festival’s magic into your daily routine. Reflect on your favorite moments and weave them into your day. Play recorded sets from the weekend, create a drama-lama altar, keep conversations with God, or wear your festival costumes while doing chores. Whatever moment at BitF was special to you, find a spot in your daily life for it.
  • Get Organized and Reground Yourself: Feeling disorganized is normal after a Burn. Take one small task at a time—unpacking, cleaning, or making a to-do list. Creating some order can help you feel more grounded and ready to tackle everyday challenges. Be gentle on yourself, and
  • Adapt Festival Principles: Bring the values and principles from the festival into your daily life. If community was a big part of your experience, think about how you can contribute to your local community or strengthen your relationships.
  • Embrace the Lows as Part of the Journey: The post-Burn blues might make normal life feel dull, but remember this phase is temporary. It’s okay to miss the festival’s energy and feel out of sorts.
  • Creative Expression: Use the energy and emotions from the festival to fuel creative outlets. Whether it’s art, music, writing, or another form of self-expression, channeling your experience into creativity can help you process and celebrate what you’ve been through.
  • Cultivate self-compassionate by taking time to:
  1. become aware of your emotions in a non-judgmental way
  2. recognize that suffering is a shared human experience, and through this acknowledgment, connect with others to reduce feelings of shame and isolation.
  3. treat yourself with the same kindness you would offer to a good friend.

There are great apps for meditations, affirmations e.g. Insight Timer or Headspace

On the Burn in the Forest Facebook Group there is also a thread started by Sam Shoichet in which participants have shared some of their post-BitF coping techniques.

By focusing on these strategies, you can bridge the gap between the profound BitF moments and your everyday life, carrying forward the positive changes and inspirations you gained.

So, take a deep breath, dust off the sand (literally and figuratively), and remember you’re not alone in this post-Burn journey.

BitF may be behind you, but the memories and connections you made are yours to keep. Soon enough, you’ll be back to the magic of WIWBCitF (Whatever It Will Be Called in the Future), ready to create new memories and chase new highs.

Until then, keep the fire alive.

©2025 Greater Vancouver Interactive Art Society