BitF2024 Theme/Sound Camps and Art Projects: Post Event Survey

Thank you for your Theme/Sound Camp or Art Submission for BitF 2024.

It’s fair to say that the GVIAS & BitF Production Team is very happy with the event and your contribution was a major factor. Thank you for all of your efforts and amazing offerings to the participants of BitF.
Believe or not we are starting the planning cycle for BitF (new name TBD) 2025 already!

The Curation/Placement team was very focused this year on improving all aspects of the camp/art process, in our communications, application process, placement decisions and on-site support.

We would love to get a bit of feedback with this short survey regarding your overall Curation and Placement experience to further help us improve in future years.

Please note this is strictly to capture your feedback from an art/camp lead point of view. Overall event feedback will be captured in ‘GVIAS’ Participant Survey’ coming soon.

From the BitF 2024 Curation Team

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©2025 Greater Vancouver Interactive Art Society