If you need help, ask a Ranger! You can find Rangers walking the event in pairs wearing blue BC Rangers t-shirts and carrying radios. They can call on-site medical, fire personnel, security, harm reduction or Production Team members as needed. You may also find Rangers at Ranger HQ, which is shown on the map. Rangers are burners who volunteer to help out their fellow community members. Some things Rangers help with include: act as a source of information, respond to emergencies and coordinate appropriate resources, help disoriented participants find their way, and mediate disputes between participants.

Health and Safety
Paid medical and security staff are on-site 24 hours a day. Access their help by asking a Ranger or Production Team member, or by finding medics at the Medics Station (see the map). Participants with known, life-threatening medical issues are encouraged to check in with the medical team upon arrival: consider providing a photocopy of your ID and Care Card number, with a brief description of the medical condition, medications and allergies. Information provided will be held confidentially as per privacy laws and destroyed after the event.
Our community aims to provide a respectful space for all participants and consent plays a critical part. BitF can be an overwhelming environment, and we want to ensure that we co-create a safe space for radical self-expression while protecting against harassment and assault. There are also many diverse participants present, and where one person’s self-expression and another’s boundaries intersect, both parties are responsible for negotiating the interface.
With respect to anyone’s physical person, only an enthusiastic “YES” means YES. Anything less is not consent. Rather than risk confusion, create a space where a “no” is always heard and respected, whatever form it may take. Coercion or emotional manipulation to get a “YES” is NOT consent. If the action persists, it may be cause for EXPULSION from the event.
Communicate actively and often. Consent to one thing does not imply yes to any another.
Know your personal boundaries, and be comfortable expressing them.
Respect the moment and know that comfort levels differ at different times with different people.
Always ask about and respect the boundaries of others, even if you already know that person.
Be mindful of intoxicants. Remember, under Canadian law, anyone under the influence of intoxicants cannot consent to contracts OR sexual contact.
Need help in a situation that involves threatening behaviour, or a sexual assault or domestic violence? Protocols and supports are in place for these situations. Seek assistance from any person with a radio (Ranger or Production Team member), at Ranger HQ, or the Medical Station.
Theme camps that involve explicit sexual activity will be clearly marked and only open to participants 19+
Harm Reduction at Burn in the Forest:
Located at Centre Camp next to DPW
Harm reduction is a set of practical strategies and ideas designed to lessen the negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal.
Burn in the Forest promotes harm reduction through education and prevention services. The event provides a staffed resource station for education and testing of substances, as well as monitoring and aftercare through the sanctuary team. Sanctuary volunteers provide peer support and aim to work alongside security and medics to ensure participant safety and reduce the need for outside resources. Participants at risk of harm to themselves or others will be referred to offsite resources for additional support.
Sanctuary is a place of refuge for participants who, for whatever reason, are feeling temporarily overwhelmed. The Sanctuary provides a quiet, calm, comfortable area to relax or someone to help talk you through a difficult experience. Peer support is available by volunteers guided by harm reduction and trauma-informed principles.
• Available 24/7 from Wednesday at 6pm until Sunday at 12pm
• Spaces available for people to sit and lounge (e.g. couches)
• Pillows, blankets, and rugs to make the space cozy
Ask Wellness
Ask Wellness provides on-site education, substance testing and free harm reduction supplies, including sun screen, ear plugs, safer sex and drug use supplies, and more!
• Open: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 2pm – 6pm and 8pm – 11pm
- NO OPEN FLAMES at all – that means no fire spinning, no propane fire pits, no heaters with a flame, no cigarettes
- Personal (flameless) heaters and camp stoves must be attended to at all times while in use
- All heating devices MUST be CSA approved
- Fire extinguishers are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED
If you do choose to bring a generator, please consider the following guidelines:
- Place the generator on a less-combustible surface such as a piece of plywood in order to keep hot components separated from the dry grass.
- Bring the quietest generator you can afford and the smallest that will meet your actual needs.
- Don’t run your generator late at night or early in the morning.
Place the generator as far from other camps as possible. - Cover your generator with a sound shield or baffle or outfit it with a motorcycle muffler.
- NEVER bury it to shield the noise.
- Make sure people can’t trip over any power cords.
- Always turn it off if no-one is in camp
- Take great care when refuelling any personal generators, to ensure that no fuel spillage ensues.
- Refuelling must take place on a spillage tray similar to Burning Man.
There is a river that runs through the property.
Do not drown in the river.
The water may be running very fast and could easily carry you away if you lose your footing on the rocky bottom.
Do not drown in the river.
There may be debris in the water – be careful, and do not drown in the river.
We have debated the need for lifeguards, swimming prohibitions, and other measures to mitigate risk. We have decided that we trust each other as adults, so don’t eff it up for everyone by drowning in the river!
Do not let others drown in the river either. Understand that contrary to Hollywood portrayals – a drowning person is usually silent and may not be moving much. This is because water in the lungs and shortness of breath inhibits vocalization, and decreasing blood oxygen makes muscle movements increasingly difficult. Never hesitate to ask a swimmer if they need help if there is any doubt about their situation. A non-response means they need help.