Please read through the About section to learn more about our community ethos, the 10 Principles of Burning Man and our history.

Event Information
The Survival Guide for What If 2025 will be published a few weeks prior to the event. In the meantime, you can read last year’s Survival Guide, as most things will be the same.
Refer to the he Survival Guide from Burn in the Forest 2024.
Whether you’re brand new to Burner culture or a crusty old Burner, the Survival Guide will help you prepare to have a spectacularly BUBBLY
This document is full of information that is critical to the wellbeing of all.
Please take a few minutes to review it’s content!
The What Where When Guide for What If 2025 will be published a few weeks prior to the event. In the meantime, you can read last year’s What Where When Guide to reminisce or get inspired!
The What Where When is the definitive guide to camps, art, and events at What If. We’re excited to announce that this year we’re going digital using an incredibly handy app made by a fellow burner called DUST.
See last year’s fabulous Event Map.
The final map will also be accessible in the Dust app, AND you’ll be offered a printed map when you arrive at Gate!
Key objectives with the Placement teams this year included:
- provide varied and increased activities in the Forest zone. We have loads of theme camps, sound camps, and art projects offering both daytime and nighttime activities and attractions.
- separate foot traffic as much as possible from roving cars and trucks
- present the magic river as a backdrop to interactive art
- support new friendships between us through a strategy to put art, hosting venues, and common areas toward the pedestrian side of pathways
- encourage community building by putting camps together based on energy and engagement
Vehicles transport us to the site, and then become clutter! This year’s site plan suggests that community spaces, art, and interactive zones be located at the front of pedestrian pathways, vehicle clutter be kept at the rear of camps with tents and RVs in the middle.
We hope that many camps will place elements of pageantry on the pedestrian sides, such as banners, LED lights and other elements to engage other participant and create a festive temporary autonomous zone to play and attract one another.
Leave No Trace is one of the 10 Principles of Burning Man. Our community deeply respects natural environment and we are committed to leaving no physical trace of our activities wherever we gather. We clean up after ourselves and endeavour, whenever possible, to leave such places in a better state than when we found them.
Welcome to our Community! What If has been co-created by participants like yourself.
While you are here, please follow three simple guidelines and the GVIAS Participant Code of Conduct:
Respect Yourself
This environment and experience may push you in different ways. Occasionally you may feel uncomfortable, or out of sorts. We trust that only you can fully understand what your comfort levels and personal boundaries are.
Please be conscious of your well-being and aware of your own needs. Practice self-care. Remember that we value self-reliance in our community. Please reach out to others for support if you need it.
Respect One Another
Be aware of your behaviour, your choices, and ways that they impact other members of our community. Keep consent and personal autonomy at the forefront of all of your interactions. Check in, with yourself and others.
Respect Our Hosts
There are very few places that allow us to do what our community does. It’s a privilege to use this space and we need to take care of it. As guests, please treat our hosts and this site, their home, with care; our actions will guide future use at this unique location.
If something doesn’t seem right, you are empowered to speak up or report the situation to the Production Team or Rangers (in blue). In exceptional circumstances, event Producers reserve the right to remove participants who contradict the spirit of this code of conduct. This code of conduct has been created by the community. We endeavour to create a healthy and respectful environment for everyone, and we welcome all to share in it.
UNDERSTAND that you voluntarily assume the risk of serious injury or death by attending What If.
Please help us to meet the following requirements that allow us to consume personal alcohol in a safe and responsible manner. Whether you are hosting or visiting a campsite it is everyone’s responsibility to follow these guidelines. All citizens must agree to the following conditions of entry, and by doing so, you support GVIAS’ agreements with the landowner, RCMP and Liquor Control Board.
Storing of Alcohol at your campground
- All alcohol needs to be stored in a concealed area not readily available to minors.
- Do not leave any open alcoholic beverages unattended at your campground.
- Only transport unopened alcoholic beverages from your vehicle to your camp or to other campsites.
- Glass is not permitted at What If. Please only bring cans or cartons.
Consumption of alcohol
Alcohol can only be consumed within the confines of yours’ or your host’s campsite or parked RV– ie. Where you sleep. Similar to a residence, you may consume responsibly and serve your guests responsibly in the following ways.
The host is responsible for:
- Monitoring of minors. Minors will be wearing a red wristband for identification. They are not permitted to drink alcohol or hold alcoholic beverages.
- Duty of Care and guests’ consumption of alcohol. You must monitor the number of guests you have and their level of intoxication.
- Ensuring intoxicated guests are prohibited from consuming further alcohol.
- Ensuring guests do not enter or leave the site with unconsumed alcohol.
- Alcohol must not be consumed in a public place. This includes the roadway and any open beach area or open area that is not a campsite or parked RV – ie. Places where people don’t sleep.
Disposal of alcoholic containers
Please be prepared to pack out all beverage containers you empty at What If!
There may be collection of refundable empties at the site, coordinated by one of our participants! Check in with Fix-it Station to confirm when you arrive at the site. You must collect all empties at your camp in CLEAR/transparent garbage bags to transport to the recycling location — no garbage please!
Consumption and Driving
What If has a no in-and-out policy. Citizens will not be permitted to leave and return. If you must leave permanently, you must leave through the single secured access. You may not leave the site behind the wheel of a vehicle if you are intoxicated.
Security, Rangers and RCMP
Our Security and Rangers will patrol the site and may approach your camp to check on the above. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to the policy.
Personal Intoxication & Unruly Behaviour
What If is a radically self-reliant event known for its responsible citizens. Alcohol-related altercations and disruptions are extremely rare in our experience. Please help us maintain this standard. Unruly behavior may be subject to intervention by security staff, and possible ejection from the event at the discretion of security and the Production Team.
Harm Reduction at Burn in the Forest:
Located at Centre Camp next to DPW
Harm reduction is a set of practical strategies and ideas designed to lessen the negative social and/or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal.
Burn in the Forest promotes harm reduction through education and prevention services. The event provides a staffed resource station for education and testing of substances, as well as monitoring and aftercare through the sanctuary team. Sanctuary volunteers provide peer support and aim to work alongside security and medics to ensure participant safety and reduce the need for outside resources. Participants at risk of harm to themselves or others will be referred to offsite resources for additional support.
Sanctuary is a place of refuge for participants who, for whatever reason, are feeling temporarily overwhelmed. The Sanctuary provides a quiet, calm, comfortable area to relax or someone to help talk you through a difficult experience. Peer support is available by volunteers guided by harm reduction and trauma-informed principles.
• Available 24/7 from Wednesday at 6pm until Sunday at 12pm
• Spaces available for people to sit and lounge (e.g. couches)
• Pillows, blankets, and rugs to make the space cozy
Ask Wellness
Ask Wellness provides on-site education, substance testing and free harm reduction supplies, including sun screen, ear plugs, safer sex and drug use supplies, and more!
• Open: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 2pm – 6pm and 8pm – 11pm
You must bring everything you need to be completely self-reliant for however many days you plan to be at What If, as there are no on-site services.
- Your ticket – you will not get in without it!
- Photo ID – Must match the name on your ticket!
- Water – There is potable water available onsite, but we strongly recommend that you bring sufficient water for yourself for the weekend.
- Food in sealed containers, along with utensils, dishes, camp stove, etc.
- Garbage bags and bins: this is a leave no trace event. There are no garbage and recycling bins on site, you will need to take your garbage and recycling home with you.
- Ice
- An open mind
- Your gifts
- Sturdy shoes
- Rope, solar lights, flagging tape, or similar markers – use these to mark off hazards in and around your camp. Some campsites have drop offs that might be hard to see in the dark.
- Flashlight, lantern, headlamps, and lights to wear to be visible in the dark!
- Clothing, costumes, theme camp decor, art, music, random creative projects.
- Toilet paper – single ply or RV type is best to avoid clogging the sewage trucks. TP is provided in the porta potties, but sometimes runs out
- Tent, sleeping bag, etc.
- Insect repellent and sunscreen
- Shade structures – It can get quite windy onsite. Bring appropriate stakes and rope to secure your shade structure, tent, and everything else.
- Camp chairs and tables: campsites do not have picnic tables.
Bring everything you need. There are no vending or supplies onsite. Please support the local economy and buy as many of your supplies as you can in Merritt.
MOOP (Matter Out Of Place) – Glass, glow sticks, glitter, or any other MOOP that is potentially harmful to the environment.
Pets – What If maintains a strict no pets policy, and anyone arriving at gate with a pet, will be turned away. However, certified service animals are welcome. If you plan to attend What If with your certified service animal, please contact [email protected] to let us know how we can help.
Glass Containers – Even with your best intentions and safest handling, glass can break. Aluminum cans, plastic bottles, and boxes of wine present less of a potential hazard to safety and MOOP.
Fire – Open flame is not permitted at this site. Please do not bring fire toys (e.g., staff), candles, propane fire pits, or other things that may present a fire-hazard. CSA-approved camp stoves are allowed, provided they are carefully monitored.
Explosives – The only thing we want to see explode is your MIND! Aerial flares, rockets, fireworks, and firearms are not permitted. All fire effects need to be sanctioned by the Fire Safety Team Lead.
Hand-held lasers – These can cause serious eye injury and blindness (as happened to a Black Rock Ranger in 2014).
Commerce – Vending is strictly prohibited at the event. We are not a commercial or consumer event. Please don’t advertise your business, band, DJ, etc. at the event.
Illegal substances – Possession, sale, or consumption of illegal substances is a federal offense. Local law enforcement may be present at times during the event. The event organizers will cooperate fully with the landowner, their representatives, and the authorities.
Our community aims to provide a respectful space for all participants and consent plays a critical part. What If can be an overwhelming environment, and we want to ensure that we co-create a safe space for radical self-expression while protecting against harassment and assault. There are also many diverse participants present, and where one person’s self-expression and another’s boundaries intersect, both parties are responsible for negotiating the interface.
With respect to anyone’s physical person, only an enthusiastic “YES” means YES. Anything less is not consent. Rather than risk confusion, create a space where a “no” is always heard and respected, whatever form it may take. Coercion or emotional manipulation to get a “YES” is NOT consent. If the action persists, it may be cause for EXPULSION from the event.
Communicate actively and often. Consent to one thing does not imply yes to any another.
Know your personal boundaries, and be comfortable expressing them.
Respect the moment and know that comfort levels differ at different times with different people.
Always ask about and respect the boundaries of others, even if you already know that person.
Be mindful of intoxicants. Remember, under Canadian law, anyone under the influence of intoxicants cannot consent to contracts OR sexual contact.
Need help in a situation that involves threatening behaviour, or a sexual assault or domestic violence? Protocols and supports are in place for these situations. Seek assistance from any person with a radio (Ranger or Production Team member), at Ranger HQ, or the Medical Station.
Theme camps that involve explicit sexual activity will be clearly marked and only open to participants 19+
If you’re thinking of bringing a drone to What If , please make sure to review the GVIAS Drone Policy beforehand!
Any drone usage must be reviewed and approved by Production BEFORE What If Drones are only allowed as part of art installation/art activity, and cannot have photography or videography capabilities.
Failure to comply with these rules will result in drone confiscation and/or expulsion from the What If .